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How does the "overbooking" system work?

Have you wondered why we recommend you to book more chabbers than you really need? Then please read the text below.

Josefine Holst Benthin avatar
Written by Josefine Holst Benthin
Updated over a year ago

This industry is a people-industry, which means illnesses, accidents and other types of cancellation may occur. Our system takes that into account.

When renting waiters, bartenders, etc. our system tells you if we think you should book additional chabbers. The system also tells you how many you should hire extra.

The recommendation is made based on your own data from Chabber πŸ’Ύ

Consider it an extra service to ensure that you do not end up in a situation with fewer chabbers than desired. Therefore, we allow you to cancel the extra hired chabber(s) up to 2 hours before the beginning of the shift.

The companies and privates who make use of overbooking system have never been more satisfied than they are now. So, do the same as them πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

At the end of the article, you can find a video guide on how to overbook a Chabber!

Good day πŸ˜€
Best regards,

Team Chabber

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